ALEXA 35 Pre-record License

Arri Licenses » Licenses for ALEXA 35 with Base License and ALEXA 35 Live » ALEXA 35 Pre-record License

The Pre-record license allows an ALEXA 35 with Base License or ALEXA 35 Live to continually store images in a buffer. Once the recording is then started, the information in the buffer is placed before the clip beginning. This allows especially nature documentary cinematographers to be ready to capture difficult to predict events, but has also been used when shooting feature films, TV series or commercials with difficult to predict protagonists, like children or animals.

    Please note that
  • Licenses are always locked to one serial number camera
  • Temporary licenses must be installed in consecutive order based on the three-digit number in the license file. Installing a license of the same type with a higher number will invalidate all licenses with lower numbers. Licenses that are invalidated as a result cannot be refunded.
  • Choose which license run-time to place in your shopping cart:
ALEXA 35 Pre-record License - Permanent2.800,00 €*

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ALEXA 35 Pre-record License - Yearly1.120,00 €*

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ALEXA 35 Pre-record License - 30 Days220,00 €*

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ALEXA 35 Pre-record License - 7 Days110,00 €*

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* Nominal prices without tax (net value).
Prices in local currencies will be based on currency exchange rate.